Calldrip's REST APIs provide access to resources (data entities) via URI paths. To use a REST API, your application will make an HTTP request and parse the response. By default, the response format is JSON.

{primary} ADF/XML API allows lead data to be sent into your Calldrip account via POST method.

Because the REST API is based on open standards, you can use any web development language to access the API. the REST API enables developers to access core function of Calldrip. If you're building an application that leverages core Calldrip objects, then this is the API for you. Imagine building an interface which enhances your curent offering in a matter of minutes - all with a few REST API calls. In addition to offering programmatic access to widgets, this API also enables developers a multitude of integration opportunities to interact with Calldrip. Through the REST API, the user can create and post real-time calls, and set options with each call.

Getting Started

  1. Contact us at to receive your Developer API Credentials.
  2. Send test leads to our development servers.
  3. Contact us when you receive a success message to verify the lead's success.
  4. Receive your Production API credentials.
  5. Send test leads to our production servers.

API Endpoint

US: EU: Dev:

Acceptable Parameters

Key Value
xml ADF/XML code goes here
apiuser API Username - Found on your Calldrip account under My Account > API
apikey API Key - Found on your Calldrip account under My Account > API

{warning} Important! Keep your API Key safe.

The returning result will be in JSON format. You will receive either a success or it will tell you the reason for the failure.

Example JSON Results:

{"result":"1","reason":"Username or password were incorrect please check your credentials and try again"}

Example XML

        <id sequence="1" source=”leadid”>6f69d7fe-a277-40c4-94a8-cbf8a66c1045</id> <requestdate>2018-05-29T16:12:14</requestdate> <requesttype>sales</requesttype>
        <vehicle status="New">
            <type>2WD 2.0 VVT-IE Comfort</type>
            <comments>Grey color is preferred</comments>
                <name part="full">John Doe</name>
                <phone time="" type="">31 999999999</phone>
                    <street line="1">Waalplein 128</street>
            <id sequence="1" source="dealerId">LEFTestDealerID001</id> <vendorname>LEFTestDealer</vendorname>
                <name part="full">LEFTestDealer</name>
            <id sequence=”1” source=”sourcename”>Source Name</id>
            <name part="full">sourcelead</name>
            <service>Please send me a brochure</service> <url></url>
            <lms><name part=”full”>LMS name</name></lms>

Example XML Reference

Parameter Description
<vendor><id sequence="1" source="dealerId">LEFTestDealerID001</id> This is the id that identifies the account. ​Calldrip must have this ID before leads can be sent to the correct account.
<prospect><id sequence="1" source=”leadid”> This is a unique id that would come from the lead provider.
<prospect> <requesttype> Type of Request i.e. Sales, Service
<vehicle status="New"> This can be New or Used
<vehicle><year> This is the Year the Vehicle was made i.e. 2019
<vehicle><make> This is the make of the Vehicle i.e. Ford
<vehicle><model> This is the Model of the Vehicle i.e. Fusion
<vehicle><type> This is the Type of the Vehicle i.e. 2WD 2.0 VVT0IE Comfort
<vendorname> This is the Dealerships name
<provider><name part="full> This is the provider's name
<provider><service> This is the type of request (CTA)
<lms><name part="full"> This is the full name of the LMS system used to deliver the lead
<vehicle><license_plate> This is the license plate number of the vehicle
<vehicle><bodystyle> This is the Body style of the vehicle i.e. Coupe
<vehicle><fueltype> This is the Fuel type of the vehicle i.e. Diesel
<vehicle><comments> Comments about the vehicle
<customer><comments> Comments left by the customer
<provider><url> URL link to more lead information
<customer><whisper> Customer whisper to be read to the customer

Example Using cURL

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION,3);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $drip);
$result = curl_exec($ch);


The Whisper is made up of these fields:

Request type, vehicle status, year, make, model, license plate, whisper

Notes are made up of these fields:

Request type, Vendor, vehicle status, year, make, model, license plate, body style, type fuel, vehicle comments, URL, Customer comments

More Info

The Auto-lead Data Format ADF is supported, which is the standard used to communicate consumer purchase requests to automotive dealerships.